If you have vinyl flooring, it’s both useful and important to know how to remove rust stains from this type of material so that you can maintain the condition and appearance of your flooring, instead of worrying about a replacement. 

Rust stains can be a headache to deal with because they are difficult to remove and not very nice to look at. You can use professional cleaning solutions or create your own remedy to remove rust. If you decide to go with a homemade solution, you will need vinegar, baking soda and rags to help the rust stains fade right off of your floors. You will have to spread a thin layer of baking soda directly over the rust stain and rub over it with a rag that has been soaked in vinegar. Once this step is complete, rinse the area with water and repeat the process until you see that the stain has completely faded away. Vinegar is a strong substance, so rinse the area well once you’re done using clean water so that the odor does not linger. 

If you prefer to purchase a commercial stain remover, you can visit your local home improvement store where they will have oxalic acid solution powder, which you can use to remove rust. This solution is extremely poisonous, so purchase a very small amount and store the rest in a safe place where children and other family members will not have access to it. 

You must purchase the correct product that is suitable for vinyl flooring specifically because this material has special requirements and the wrong product may cause discolouration. Avoid chlorinated floor cleansers because this will actually result in additional stains and a lot more damage. You should also stay away from regular bleach because it will create spots on the vinyl that cannot be removed. 

Applying the proper care will help you prevent rust from occurring in the first place and this can be done through the appropriate finishes and treatments if they are available for the type of vinyl flooring you have in your home. This type of flooring should not see a lot of water, so clean any large spills or splashes right away and do not walk over your floors with wet shoes. You should also avoid using metal nails during the installation process because they rust easily. Preventing the build-up of rust is possible but if you do come across it, be sure to apply the right cleaning technique to get rid of it fast. This will ensure that your floors remain in good condition so that you can enjoy them for a very long time. 

Superior Tile Contracting can help with all of your flooring needs. Located in Vancouver, they offer a commercial tiling, installation and kitchen renovations, so if you need a tile company or contractor whose services and installers you can trust, give them a call today!